共 63 个产品
Locking Assurance Cap System for Quick Connectors 201 & 210
Assurance ridge: prevents installation to unassembled quick connector and tube interface
Robust latch and hinge mechanism: easy and reliable installation over tube
Nylon polyamide material: inherent corrosion and temperature resistance and lightweight material
Machined locking groove: seats and holds retaining teeth for secondary latch mechanism -
Connection Verification Aid 133
Featuring Oetiker QuickSense® technology, the Connection Verification Aid (CVA) provides tube to quick connector connection verification in a space-efficient manner to be integrated in final vehicle assembly. The CVA confirms a proper tube to quick connector connection via haptic feedback to the operator and an electronic signal to a PLC connected control box, while being compact and ergonomically designed. -
Valved Quick Connector
SMILe® Compact Quick Connector
SMILe®, our new compact quick connector, turns Millimeters into Kilometers of EV range!
With 50% less installed height, it:
- increases electric vehicle range
- cuts freight costs
- enhance battery pack lifetime
- and much more! -
为装配工提供识别不完整连接的方法。通过在管路 上放置可选的保险帽,在发生部分连接时,使其不能在护圈上滑动。
默认: 最高85°C(黑色或灰色)
高温: 最高230°C (白色) -
- 塑料: 重量轻且成本低
- 活动铰链: 吸附于管路
- 成型滚花: 易握 -
- 圆齿状护圈凹槽
- 只需局部转动即可移除
- 聚丙烯塑料
- 可循环使用
- 颜色可用于防错 -
快装接头 201 钢材
锌镍镀层钢材: 抗腐蚀性能更强
高强度材料: 可承受高拉伸力和高扭力
一体加工成型: 空间紧凑、重量轻
受控的轴向间隙: 防止微泄漏
压降极低: 确保最佳流量
牢固的扣环机构: 插入力低
外部ISO密封圈: 螺纹接口防漏
可选外部组合密封圈: 设计用于在高压高温应用中替代金属垫圈的连接方式
内密封圈: 管路接口处防漏